List Of Geoscience Bibliography International Publication Maros Pangkep Aspiring Geopark (MPAUGGp) South Sulawesi, Indonesia

  1. Arosi, H.A., Wilson, M.E.J., 2015. Diagenesis and fracturing of a large-scale, syntectonic carbonate platform, Sedimentary Geology 326, pp. 109–134.

  2. Association Pyrénéenne de Spéléologie, 1986. Thai-Maros 85. APS: Toulouse, France. 215p.

  3. Association Pyrénéenne de Spéléologie, 1987. Expédition Thai Maros 86. APS: Toulouse, France.177p.

  4. Association Pyrénéenne de Spéléologie, 1988. Expéditions Thai 87-Thai 88. APS: Toulouse, France. 128p.

  5. Association Pyrénéenne de Spéléologie, 1989. Batukarst 88. APS: Toulouse, France. 90p.

  6. Association Pyrénéenne de Spéléologie, 1992. Expédition Indonésie 90. APS: Toulouse, France. 104p.

  7. Association Pyrénéenne de Spéléologie, 1997. Expédition Maros 94. APS: Toulouse, France. 40p.

  8. Association Pyrénéenne de Spéléologie, 2002. Expédition Maros 99. APS: Toulouse, France. 39p.

  9. Brouwer, H.A., 1924. Geologische beschrijving der omgeving van de Tertiaire fossielrijke lagen nabij Patoenoeang Asoe (Zuid-Celebes). Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 52 (1923), Verhandelingen, p. 151-165.

  10. De Klerk, L.G., 1982. Zeespiegel Riffen en Kustflakten in Zuitwest Sulawesi, Indonesia. Utrecht:

    Geography Studies.

  11. Elburg, M., van Leeuwen, T.M., Foden, J., Muhardjo., 2003. Spatial and temporal isotopic domains

    of contrasting igneous suites in Western and Northern Sulawesi, Indonesia. Chemical Geology 199,

    pp. 243–276.

  12. Janßen, A., Wizemann, A., Klicpera, A., Satari, D.Y., Westphal, H., and Mann, T., 2017. Sediment

    composition and facies of coral reef islands in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia. Front. Mar. Sci.4:144. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00144

  13. Jaya, A., 2001. Sequence stratigraphy of the Tonasa Limestone, Ralla Section, South Sulawesi. J.

    Penelitian Enjiniring (JPE) FT-UH, 8, 1, p. 59 – 68.

  14. Jaya, A., Sufriadin, Nur, I., 2011. A short note on sedimentary rocks of the Barru Area, South Sulawesi.Berita Sedimentologi 22, p. 9-14. (Online at:…).

  15. Kench, P.S., Mann, T., 2017. Reef Island Evolution and Dynamics: Insights from the Indian and Pacific Oceans and Perspectives for the Spermonde Archipelago, Frontiers in Marine Science Vol 4, pp. 1-17 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00145.

  16. Laurent, L., 1926. Etude sur une plante fossile des depots du Tertiaire marin du Sud de Celebes.

    Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 54 (1925), Verhandelingen 1, p. 167-190.

  17. Lubis, M.I., Endarwin, W., Riendriasari, S.D., Suwardiansah, Ul-Hasanah, U., Irawan, F., Aziz, A.K., Malawi, A., 2008. Conservation of Herpetofauna in Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan Institut

    Pertanian: Bogor.

  18. Martin, K., 1917. Bemerkungen uber sogenannt Oligocane und andere Versteinerungen von Celebes.

    Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, N.F., II, 7, p. 299-308. (Online at:

  19. McDonald, R.C., 1976. Limestone morphology in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Zeitschrift

    Geomorphologie 26, Karst processes, p. 79 – 91.

  20. Paju, J.A., Purnama, Y.S., Nugroho, B., Bachtiar, A., Peera, F., 2006. Sedimentology of Mallawa

    clastics and its implication to hydrocarbon occurrences in western part of West arm Sulawesi. Proc. 35th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Pekanbaru 2006.

  21. Purnamaningsih, D., Sukarna, Panggabean, H., 1995. The geology, mineral and energy resources of

    northern West Sulawesi. In: J. Ringis (ed.) Proc. 31st Sess. Comm. Co-ord. Joint Prospecting Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP), Kuala Lumpur 1994, 2, p. 20-35.

  22. Rutten, L., 1924. Over de foraminiferenfauna en den ouderdom van kalksteenen uit Zuid-Celebes

    afkomstig uit de groep der vischresten-bevattende gesteenten. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-

    Indie 52 (1923), Verhandelingen, p. 173-183.

  23. Sarasin, P., Sarasin, F., 1898. Materialien zur Naturgeschichte der Insel Celebes. C.W. Kreidel’s Verlag,Wiesbaden, vol. 1. Die Susswasser-Mollusken von Celebes, p. 1-102. (Online at:

  24. Sarasin, P., Sarasin, F., 1899. Materialien zur Naturgeschichte der Insel Celebes. C.W. Kreidel’s Verlag,Wiesbaden, 2. Die Land-Mollusken von Celebes, p. 1-244. (Online at: (Volume 2 of Sarasin work: ‘The land molluscs of

    Celebes Island’).

  25. Sarasin, P., Sarasin, F., 1901. Materialien zur Naturgeschichte der Insel Celebes. C.W. Kreidel’s Verlag,Wiesbaden, 3. Ueber die geologische Geschichte der Insel Celebes auf Grund der Thierverbreitung,p. 1-169. (online at: (Volume 3 of Sarasin work:’On the geological history of Celebes island based on the animal distribution’).

  26. Sarasin, P., Sarasin, F., 1905. Reisen in Celebes ausgefuhrt in den Jahren 1893- 1896 und 1902-

    1903. C.W. Kreidel Wiesbaden, p. 1-390. (Online at: (‘Travels in Sulawesi in the

    years 1893-1896 and 1902-1903′. Mainly geographic travel account across South Sulawesi with

    geological observations by Sarasin cousins).

  27. Smith, G.K., 2012. Water Fun Park and Tourist Caves, Amidst Tropical Tower Karst. Published in

    “ACKMA Journal”, No. 86, March 2012, P 33-37. Publication of the “Australasian Cave and Karst

    Management Association Inc”.

  28. Sohma, K., 1973. Florschuetzia, a fossil sonneratioid pollen genus, from Sulawesi, Indonesia. Sci.

    Rept. Tohoku Univ, 4th Ser. (Biology), 36, 4, p. 261-266.

  29. Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung, 2018. Laporan Invertarisasi dan Pemetaan Alur Hidrologi

    Endokarst Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung, 45 p. (in Indonesian)

  30. ’T Hoen, C.W.A.P., Ziegler, K.G.J., 1917. Verslag over de resultaten van geologisch- mijnbouwkundige verkenningen en opsporingen in Zuidwest Celebes. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 44 (1915), Verhandelingen 2, p. 235-363.

  31. Umbgrove, J.H.F., 1942. A revision of fossil corals from Celebes described by Dollfus. Geologie en

    Mijnbouw (N.S.) 5, p. 14-16.

  32. Utama, H.W., Gheovani, W., Supardi, N., Mukhtar, W., 2016. Determination of facies depositional

    environment based on outcrop of carbonate rock and micro-forams of Tonasa Formation at Karama,

    South Sulawesi. Proc. 40th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA16-285-SG, 6p.

  33. van Straelen, V., 1924. Portunus brouweri. Portunien nouveau du Tertiaire de l’Ile Celebes. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie (1923), Verhandelingen p. 169-170.

  34. von Steiger, H., 1915. Petrografische beschrijving van eenige gesteenten uit de onderafdeeling

    Pangkadjene en het landschap Tanette van het gouvenement Celebes en onderhoorigheden.

    Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 42 (1913), Verhandelingen, p. 171-227.

  35. Wakita, K., 2002. Mystery man and mysterious unconformity in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Chishitsu

    News 573, p. 48-68. (in Japanese; online at:

  36. Wilson, M.E.J., 1995. The Tonasa Limestone Formation, Sulawesi, Indonesia: development of a

    Tertiary carbonate platform. Ph.D. Thesis University of London, p. 1-520. (Unpublished)

  37. Wilson, M.E.J., 1996. Evolution and hydtrocarbon potential of the Tertiary Tonasa Limestone

    Formation, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Proc. 25 h Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p.

  38. Wilson, M.E.J., 1999. Prerift and synrift sedimentation during early fault segmentation of a Tertiary carbonate platform, Indonesia. Marine Petroleum Geol. 16, 8, p. 825-848.

  39. Wilson, M.E.J., 2000. Tectonic and volcanic influences on the development and diachronous

    termination of a Tertiary tropical carbonate platform. J. Sedimentary Res. 70, p. 310-324.

  40. Wilson, M.E.J., Ascaria, N.A., 2000. The Cenozoic carbonates and petroleum systems of South

    Sulawesi. IPA Field Excursion, October 2003, 55p.

  41. Wilson, M.E.J., Ascaria, N.A., Coffield, D.Q,. Guritno, N., 1997. The petroleum systems of South

    Sulawesi, Indonesia. In: J.V.C. Howes and R.A. Noble (eds.) Proc. Conf. Petroleum Systems of SE Asia and Australasia, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 561-567.

  42. Wilson, M.E.J., Bosence, D.W.J., 1996. The Tertiary evolution of South Sulawesi: a record in

    redeposited carbonates of the Tonasa Limestone Formation. In: R. Hall and D.J. Blundell (eds.)

    Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia, Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 106, p. 365 – 389.

  43. Wilson, M.E.J., Bosence, D.W.J. 1997. Platform-top and ramp deposits of the Tonasa carbonate

    platform, Sulawesi, Indonesia. In: A.J. Fraser, S.J. Matthews and R.W. Murphy (eds.) Petroleum

    geology of Southeast Asia. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 126, p. 247-279.

  44. Wilson, M.E.J., Bosence, D.W.J., Limbong, A., 2000. Tertiary syntectonic carbonate platform

    development in Indonesia. Sedimentology 47, p. 395-419.